Blood pressure

Blood Pressure Chart & Numbers – How to Deal With High or Low Pressure

Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is often asymptomatic, but due to its damaging effects on your body, it is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer”. According to data from the World Health Organization, hypertension affects up to every third adult inhabitant of the globe. This most common chronic cardiovascular disease has been associated with the diseases of the elderly for decades.

Nothing could be more wrong – the problem with proper blood pressure more and more often affects people under 30, and even children and adolescents. Here are some facts that will help you understand this disease a little better. So, normal blood pressure is a must.

The causes of arterial hypertension

It is worth noting that this disease is very common for most modern residents of megacities and small towns. The most important point is a timely visit to a doctor. He or she can measure your BP and offer you effective drugs to lower your parameters.

It is worth noting that primary hypertension is a disease that will be with you all your life. Nevertheless, you have to keep your body in good shape with special medications and proper nutrition. You will not be able to get rid of this disease completely, but you will be able to control it and not experience any problems.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

While abnormal blood pressure is sometimes asymptomatic and patients usually find out about the problem when they are accidentally tested, there are a few symptoms that should be worrying. Among them are mentioned:

  • Frequent headaches (in the occipital part, often confused with chronic headaches or pains from the spine)
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Nosebleeds
  • Dizziness
  • Mood disorders
  • Problems with concentration
  • Palpitations

Your doctor should check the blood pressure chart. When we notice any of these symptoms, a blood pressure check-up is necessary. This can be done at a family doctor’s clinic, but also with a “home” blood pressure monitor (equipment available at pharmacies). Normal blood pressure in an adult human should be 120/80 mmHg.

How is low blood pressure manifested?

Symptoms of hypotension tend to be non-specific, so patients often attribute their occurrence to other ailments or to a prosaic deterioration of well-being. People with low blood pressure feel weak and sleepy, have a lower capacity and tire faster during exercise. With hypotension, unexplained headaches are common. They are recurrent and difficult to eliminate, even with the use of painkillers. These symptoms may be accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, spots in front of the eyes, nausea.

Paradoxically, at a lower pressure, you may experience increased heart rate. Low blood pressure sufferers have trouble staying focused and concentrating, and they often complain of cold hands and feet, even on warm days. The above symptoms tend to increase during fluctuations in atmospheric pressure related to weather changes.

Low blood pressure and high heart rate

People whose blood pressure is lowered often experience a rapid heartbeat. This is not cause for concern as it is a natural reaction. With hypotension, tissues and organs are less supplied with blood and oxygenated, which is unfavorable for the condition of our body. Therefore, a mechanism is triggered – an increase in heart rate – which ensures a more efficient blood flow.

Types of hypotension and its causes

There are several types of hypotension based on the causes of the disorder:
Primary (essential) hypotension – is the most common form of hypotension for which the cause of its occurrence cannot be determined. Some patients are prone to inherit essential hypotension. This problem mostly affects adolescents and middle-aged people as well as slim and tall women.

Secondary hypotension – This type of hypotension is a consequence of other diseases, adverse behavior, or the use of certain classes of drugs. Low blood pressure is a frequent symptom in the course of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine glands (e.g. adrenal cortex, thyroid gland), and infections of various etiologies. Drugs, especially antihypertensive drugs or drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease also have an impact on lowering blood pressure.

Orthostatic hypotension – manifested by sudden pressure drops associated with changes in body position (after long-standing, from lying down to standing). This type of hypotension occurs primarily in elderly people with circulatory disorders.

Does low blood pressure need to be treated?

Cardiologists disagree as to whether hypotension requires treatment. If low blood pressure is a consequence of an underlying condition, the only solution to this problem is to start appropriate treatment. In the case of orthostatic hypotension, drug therapy is introduced. Doctors usually prescribe glucocorticoid treatments, which raise blood pressure by retaining sodium in the body.

The situation is slightly different and it is not related to any disease. Such people may try to raise their blood pressure by natural means. Cardiologists recommend more frequent physical activity and hydration of the body.

Hypotonic patients, unlike hypertensive people, should not avoid dietary salt but should limit garlic consumption, which lowers blood pressure. It is also worth reaching for good quality coffee (ground, non-soluble) and black tea. Also, stimulating pharmaceutical preparations based on caffeine, guarana, ginseng, and agents containing nicotinamide and glucose will be helpful.

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